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Fitpools & Water therapy

FitPool is a compact wave pool, designed and developed for various uses: hydrotherapy; aqua-fitness; learning to swim and training; and for recreational purpose. It is usable by physiotherapy clinics, fitness centres and gyms offering exercises for strengthening, weight loss, slimming, yoga, zumba and aerobics centres; swim clubs and veterinary clinics.

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User videos


Being in water is joyful for a lot of people. There are several benefits in exercising underwater. For people of all ages. Even for companion pets. Physiotherapists across the world recommend hydrotherapy for muscular and bone recuperation, for weight loss treatment, exercises for joints e.g. rehab after knee cap or hip joint replacement or spinal injury; for reduced joint inflammation during recovery, as hydrostatic pressure promotes circulation. Evidence based aquatic therapy is known to be useful in the treatment of hemophilia. Paediatric care for children with special needs (e.g. cerebral palsy, autism, ADHD) is recommended with in-water activities.

New age fitness trainers find aqua-exercises for fitness and wellness through underwater running, cycling, aerobics, yoga, zumba and pilates. FitPool is a compact above-ground water pool for above use in a small space of 250 sq.ft, assembled in just one day’s time. It offers water depth close to 4 feet. Its filtration system keeps water clean for several months, without need for refilling. Daily 10-15 minutes of cleaning the pool walls and floor is enough for maintaining the pool hygiene. The high volume water propulsion pump creates waves in water for under water jogging, hydro-pressure massage and continuous swimming.

User Videos

FitPool: Aqua fitness exercises for legs with float
Using a cylindrical water float, held with one leg at a time, FitPool makes it convenient to perform underwater exercises, like push-downs.

FitPool: Nitesh undertaking water-massage for knots in neck
Nitesh commutes a long distances between Mumbai and Pune. He finds the water-massage powered by the propulsion system quite recuperating for his neck and back.

Fitpool: Aqua-jogging backwards
Jogging backwards gives a pressure massage on lower back and lower spine.

FitPool: Deepak’s morning swimming practice
Deepak is now equipped with FitPool for daily morning swim practice.

FitPool: Deepak’s morning swim routine
Deepak is now equipped with FitPool for daily morning swim routine.

FitPool – Nikhil, floating on back
Nikhil underwent a slip disc treatment. He visited a public pool as  recommended by his physio. He finds its relaxing when floating on his back, and undertaking backwards-jogging against water pressure.

FitPool: Divyank going easy
Divyank has been a regular swimmer since school days. Here he is thrilled with the prospects of swimming against the river-like water flow. This is quick to fit in his daily routine.

FitPool: Closeup view
Jogging underwater, then jogging backwards and a short swim, all captured in this pool closeup video.

FitPool: Rearview of jogging & swimming
This video shows a rear view of a user jogging and swimming. Holding a float adds to the resistance.